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JackBook.com adalah brand dari sebuah blog yang digawangi oleh authornya Jacky Supit dan Rome Uy. Jacky Supit adalah seorang Master Blogger dari Indonesia yang telah berkaliber dunia dan mendedikasikan dirinya pada dunia perbloggeran semenjak tahun 2007.

Salah satu hasil karyanya seperti konversi template blog dari template wordpress ke template blogger dan widget template pendukungnya. Selain dikenal penyabar dan rendah hati dikalangan dunia blogger, pria pemilik sikap sabar dan penyayang anak ini pada tanggal 20 Juni 2008 menggelar contest bertajuk Contest on Jackbook.Com win a total of $100+20,000 entrecard credits. Contest ini juga merupakan bagian dari strategi marketing agar blog kita dikenal lebih luas pada khalayak ramai dan khususnya mendapatkan tambahan backlink dari blog lainnya.

Contest yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 20 Juni sampai dengan 10 Juli 2008 ini memperebutkan hadiah total $100+20.000 point credit entrecard sebagai berikut :
  1. Pemenang Pertama : $50 cash ke account paypal + 10,000 EntreCard Credits
  2. Pemenang Kedua : 1 bulan gratis pasang iklan ukuran 125×125 Banner ad di situs Jackbook.com (On the sidebar) senilai $50 + 5,000 EntreCard Credits
  3. Pemenang Ketiga : 5,000 EntreCard Credits.
Nah bagi para blogger yang berminat ikut contest ini caranya (sesuai yang telah ditentukan) :
  1. Kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya, karena pemenangnya adalah orang yang memiliki point paling banyak. Keberuntungan ngga berlaku disini.
  2. Bagaimana cara mendapatkan point?
    1. 2 point x Pagerank Blog anda. Pasang link blog www.JackBook.Com di blogroll anda. 1 Point saja jika blog anda memiliki pagerank 0
    2. 2 point x Pagerank Blog anda. Pasang link blog RomeUy.Com di blogroll anda. 1 Point saja jika blog anda memiliki pagerank 0
    3. 5 point x Pagerank Blog anda. Buat sebuah Post yang berisi paling tidak 3 link ke
    - link ke www.JackBook.com
    - link ke RomeUy.Com
    - link ke post kontes yang ada di JackBook.Com
Nah selain contest tadi pengetahuan yang bisa diambil dari JackBook.Com adalah tentang strategi bagaimana menghasilkan uang dari internet istilah kerennya make money online, sebagai catatan semakin tinggi traffic blog dan pageranknya maka nilai daya jual blog semakin tinggi. Sehingga blog tersebut untuk dimonetize dalam bentuk apapun seperti direct advertising, paid review, sell text links, contextual links, pay per impression, pay per clik, adsense, chitika dan sebagainya. Hasilnya seperti tawaran job sebuah broker kepada JackBook.Com untuk membuat tulisan review sebuah situs sebanyak 300 kata dengan mendapatkan harga tawaran $1000 seperti diungkapkan dalam situsnya. Kalau dihitung-hitung tawaran sebesar $1000 sudah hampir sama dengan gaji pokok seorang Gubernur :).

Bagi kita yang ingin seperti JackBook.Com harus dimulai dari sekarang dengan tetap penuh kesabaran, kemauan ketangguhan dan doa tentunya supaya bisa mendapat tambahan penghasilan dari internet dan tetap menekuni dunia blogger sebagai hobby. Peace Pisan Euy....


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Crystal Swarovski merupakan precision-cut dari crystal gelas yang mengandung dan dibuat dengan teknology yang inovatif dan telah dipatenkan Swarovski AG of Feldmeilen. Kandungan timah dari crystal jenis ini mencapai 33% sedangkan dari crystal lain mencapai 12-28%.

Kelebihan lain dari crystal swarovski :
  • Kandungan timah yang tinggi sehingga lebih memancarkan daya pantul cahaya dan kilau yang lebih indah.
  • Menambah daya berat crystalnya sendiri.
  • Memiliki tingkat akurasi dan konsistensi dari setiap produk yang dikeluarkan ditinjau dari segi warna, ukuran, potongan (cut) sampai pada jumlah cut disetiap detil produknya.
Untuk dapat memiliki crystal ini Anda tidak perlu jauh-jauh untuk mendapatkannya karena telah tersedia dan dipesan di galery shopping online Swarovski.

Di swarovski beberapa produknya dibuat berbahan dasar crystal swarovski yang diimport langsung dari Singapura dan dibuat dengan handmade sehingga menghasilkan kualitas prima, penuh warna, tingkat ketelitian dan kreativitas yang cukup tinggi dan tentunya dengan harga yang terjangkau (dikisaran Rp. 90.000 - 150.000).

Produk yang tersedia terdiri dari kategori Bracelet, Brooches dan Pins, Earrings, Necklaces dan Pendants, Rings dan Swarovski Crystal.

Untuk cara pembelian dan pemesanan silahkan kunjungi situsnya, tersedia support online, tatacara pembelian dan katalog produk yang ada digalery dan jika ingin melakukan pemesanan produk tertentu yang tidak tersedia dikatalog galery maka diperlukan waktu minimal 2 hari untuk pengerjaannya.


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Have you ever heard about the person that his/her identity and credit cards numbers were stolen by unknown people, and the victims were loose thousands or even millions of cash from their bank account without any notification? Or you already become the one of 10 millions identity stolen crime in every year? Now there is a solution for you to give some extra protection to your social guarantee number, bank account number, and credit card numbers.

This is the simplest and cheapest solution for you that try to protect your life! With only $10 per month, you will be able to enjoy the protection plan from life lock, the number one identity protecting service that will give you the extra save protect for your identity from the identity crimes. Just visiting their online website at lifelockpromotioncode.net to get the more understanding about the life lock.

Inside this site you will get the explanation about the latest program from life lock, is a lifelock promo codes the new program that will give you a chance to get the maximum protection from life lock but you will get the deepest discount for services charge. The lifelock reviews by consumers also added in order to remove your doubt about life lock so you will sure that life lock can protect your identity.


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One of the most effective marketing campaigns is using Tele marketing, promoting via Tele marketing can increases your sales, if you interested using Tele Marketing you can try the services from dcmg.com, because they are telemarketing lists provider, they will tell you all the potential telemarketing list, actually they also have direct mailing list services to increases your sales.


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Get your online Business Loans application at the Accommodative Financial Solution website at AfsLoansOnline.com and start your promising business opportunity to gain your financial success. AFS is offering you unsecured Business Loans where you can get an immediate capital to start you business or maybe doing business expansion to enlarge your market. If you want to get your Business Loans, they will help you find the best one and for you with good credit, will likely be approved fast.

AFS gives you a guarantee of free consultation if you do not get approved. Remember that this loan is an unsecured one, so there is no collateral needed. Confidentiality and security are guaranteed. This business loans can be used for any business purposes for your office and even your farm.

You will be free in using the fund in your deposit as soon as you receive it. In the web you can also see whether you qualified to apply or not, by using the Pre Qualify feature. The site also provides several other types of loans and services, such as unsecured personal loans, unsecured line of credit, and small business line of credit. Apply directly from the website or call them by phone.


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The CNN services for business world brings you to several options of world’s investment and business opportunity in many scopes, in different range of investment level and risk level. Those recommendations are worth to try for you investors who like to explore new business opportunity in a country or places where no investor have reached before.

One example of business opportunities that are recommended in the website is tapping the new Nouveau Riche. This point may allow you to build a social network among Russian millionaires. Nouveau Riche has made a good target for web investors, due to the Russian upper class economic condition in the recent time. Nouveau Riche will make a good opportunity in social networking because of the people’s tendency to show their status off. The main thing that is important to have to start the business is s skillful and wealthy person who will be responsible in spreading the network.

Do not forget that building this business will make you deal with other rich people, buying and selling luxurious stuffs and more. A great amount of investment level is needed, ranging from $500K to $1 million. This kind of high level new business opportunity may also cause you a high risk.


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Kami mengundang tenaga Profesional di bidang perbankan bergabung bersama kami, Bank Prekreditan Rakyat (BPR), yang beroperasi di Kota Pekanbaru untuk menduduki posisi sebagai berikut :

1. Direktur Utama (DU)
2. Direktur (D)

Dengan syarat sebagai berikut :
  1. Pekerja keras, smart dan berorientasi pada target, mempunyai kemampuan leadership dan komunikasi yang baik.
  2. Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Pejabat dibidang kredit, funding dan operasional Perbankan.
  3. Pendidikan minimal S1 dan usia maksimal 45 tahun
  4. Bisa mengoperasikan komputer minimal Word dan Excel.
  5. Bersedia menjadi Direksi minimal 3 tahun.
Surat lamaran ditujukan ke :
Po. Box 9014
Pekanbaru - 28000

Tulis kode (DU/D) disudut kiri atas amplop dengan melampirkan CV, 2 lembar pas photo 4x6 cm, fotocopy KTP, Ijazah (formal dan non formal), semua surat pengalaman kerja, dan cantumkan besar gaji yang diminta, paling lambat 1 minggu setelah iklan ini dipasang.

(iklan ini diterbitkan diTribun Pekanbaru tanggal 14-06-2008)

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Get the best offer of price while you are making you life secure with LifeLock in LifeLock.com, by using the LifeLock Promo Code. Simply go to the website and you will get the code there. LifeLock is a company offering you a service of protecting you life and your good name, from irresponsible identity thefts crime.

To start having a life protection with LifeLock you can enroll directly from the website and do not forget to use the LifeLock Promotion Code to get maximum discount and a free service for the first 30 days including for your kids if you have any. When you have already joined the program you will get the services of getting fraud alerts, junk mail reduction, phone solicitors reduction, credit reports, and wallet lock.

Do not doubt about the capability of the service they are offering, because they guarantee it with a back up of $ 1 million. They will frequently check for your credit report and its security, and report it to you as soon as they detect the alerts of identity theft. You will also be asked to update any necessary information in certain situation. To have further information you can see the LifeLock Blog or you can call them by phone.


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If you are looking for identity protection and recovery from theft, LifeLock is your answer. LifeLock is a company that positioned them selves as customer’s resource for identity protection from theft and for recovery. With unparalleled protection, LifeLock provide their customer with several products and features, then it lead LifeLock be the leader on the protection industry. Over 400,000 customer or clients are using LifeLock products and features.

Use Promo Code of RD17 from LifeLock reviews and get life lock benefits. Visit the website and get their promo code of RD17. You will get 30 days free and pay only $9 every month and you are able to get $1 Million total service guarantee from LifeLock while your identity is being protected by them. Recently, LifeLock is providing services and recently adding new service of WalletLock. It is the latest family protection provided by LifeLock reviews from your purse and wallet’s lost or being stolen. You can easily signing up and get the benefits of LifeLock’s promotional codes. You are also able to get one calling toll-free customer service whenever you are having problems with your lock. LifeLock is the best secure protection resource for your identity, insurance information, driver’s license, and others from theft.


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LifeLock is a private company that positioned itself as the leader in the industry of customers’ resources and providers of identity protection and recovery. Through their site of LifeLock.com, the company spread their products and customer’s services, including spreading their promotional codes and benefits. Over 400,000 customers are using their protection services, including RD32 life lock and wallet lock. LifeLock.com is your resource in getting information on how LifeLock able to protect you from theft. You can also get several newest features added by LifeLock that may interest you.

To expand their amount of customers, also develop and maintain their performances, LifeLock also publish their LifeLock reviews onto their website. LifeLock reviews is supporting data programs that gives pre-customer or existence customer to get overview of LifeLock business activity and how they run their business, as well as the programs offers. LifeLock reviews give brief explanation on their services in protecting customer’s identity from theft. A life lock reviews is showing how LifeLock run their business in fair and health business activity. It is also use to build trusty from clients and customers, also pre-customers like you. Signing up and be LifeLock customers. Get their benefits and guarantee, and also let LifeLock protect you and your wallet also identity
