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Kami perusahaan PUMPS & Systems Engineering, membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi

HES Officer
  • Minimum backgorund D3 Teknik
  • Memiliki Certificate AK3U
  • Pengalaman dibidang HES minimum 5 tahun

  • Minimum D3 Engineering
  • Berpengalaman sebagai pump repair inspector minimum 5 tahun
  • Minimum S1 Engineering
  • Pengalaman dibidang pump area minimum 5 tahun
  • Mengetahui standar pump seperti API, ISO dan ANSI
Surat lamaran dilengkapi dengan copy ijazah terakhir dan transkrip nilai, sertifikat yang berkaitan dengan permintaan diatas, copy KTP, pas photo terbaru (3x4) 2 lembar, daftar riwayat hidup dan pengalaman kerja, diantar langsung ke alamat :
Jl. Tegal Sari - Budi Sari No. 26 A, Umban Sari Rumbai Pekanbaru atau via email : toripku@indosat.net.id
Selambat-lambatnya 1 minggu sejak iklan ini terbit.
(sumber : Tribun Pekanbaru, 30-08-2008)


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Klien kami, Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Seluler Terbesar dan Terluas di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai berikut :
  1. Customer Relation Officer (CRO)
  2. Quick Service (QS)
  3. Kasir (KSR)
Untuk ditempatkan di GraPHARI Telkomsel Pekanbaru

Persyaratan :
  • Pendidikan Minimal D3 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
  • Usia maksimal 26 Tahun
  • Berpenampilan menarik, sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm (Perempuan), 165 cm (Laki-laki) dengan berat badan proporsional
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi
Kirim Lamaran Lengkap ke :
PT. Intrias Mandiri Sejati
Gedung Dana Graha LT.3 RUANG 306
Jl. Imam Bonjol
Nagoya - Batam

Surat lamaran paling lambat cap pos tanggal 6 September 2008
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria diatas yang akan diproses
(sumber : Tribun Pekanbaru 30-08-2008) Selengkapnya...

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If you have a problem in handle your mortgage payment and you do not know where to go to get the any help from the expert firm that able to refinance your home financial and make it health again. You may count on the sellquickforcash.com that are offer you Short Sale option to makes you able to fix the mortgage problem and find the lenders to reduce the payment step by step. Arizona Short Sale is refers to the lenders that accept sales price less than the existed currency, so that the potential buyer able to offer lower price than currency and get the acceptance from the bank.

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Site project yang saya diluncurkan baru-baru ini adalah situs game online (arcade games online) berbasis flash, java, shockwave, single/multiplayer dan dimainkan secara online. Bagi Anda yang memerlukannya sebagai media hiburan untuk menghilangkan rasa kejenuhan/rilex dan supaya bisa fresh kembali tidak ada salahnya untuk mengunjungi situsnya di http://playarcadegame.info.

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Have you share your wealth with people around you? I asking like this just want to see how you big your responsibilities to share your wealth to others. Sharing your wealth will be very important, where nowadays many people are living in poverty. We are living in the social world where we should and must also responsible to others wealth, especially around us. This is just like Jim Piccolo did, share wealth and inspiration.

Jim Piccolo is one of the founders of Nouveau Riche University. In this university they teach you how you can be success and also share it to others. If you ever heard about the Help4Teenz program or foundation, this is actually also promoted by Jim Piccolo. This is actually program that promote teens to manage their future without considering their past. This program will likely to training centre that teaches youth in anger-management, leadership-developments, and others tutorial that can increase their positive behavior.

This Nouveau Riche University has built to teach wealth creation and also wealth brings. By this wealth brings, we can share the meaning of freedom and continually create wealth. What I want to say is we should really care and responsible to people around our fellow man and also us. Inspiring people and teach them to do positive things is very important to create wealth, if you can see in some website like nouveaurized.com or nouveauricheuniversity.blogharbor.com.


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ProWorks Insurance is a company who provides insurance policies to the clients with diligent and accurate policies service. They are specialized in insurance for contractors as well as the construction industry and operating out of Rolling Hills Estates, California and offer the clients invaluable expertise with a personalized approach including the California Workers Comp.

This company has proven track record of providing solutions to solve insurance issues for one-man artisan contractors to large-scale general contracting firms such as Commercial Truck Insurance. They also have built a solid reputation in developing cost-effective insurance strategies for clients. The coverage services are including general and Contractors Liability Insurance, business/commercial auto policies, property insurance, equipment/ marine coverage, license, bid, surety and other bonds and also most others commercial policies.

They also offer the opportunity to demonstrate the service and the ability to access wide variety of carriers. This company review business practices, priority, concerns and customized plan to fulfill your needs. The employees get a rigorous training program to ensure that they are up to date with the new programs and changes within the industry. They will serve the customers with a friendly and professional attitude in order to provide the best and efficient services.


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Become a real estate investor is one of the fastest ways to reach your dreams. With the development in the real estate market in United States, you will be able to take the advantages by become a real estate investor, Read the article at nouveauricheuniversity.blogharbour.com that contains stories from successful many student, instructor, employee, or independent student advisor in the Nouveau Riche University and learn more about how this university helps the student to approach their dreams, but is this Nouveau riche is a real opportunity or Nouveau Riche Scam?

Nowadays many people talking about Nouveau Riche Scam, especially on the internet, many people want to know is they are give a real opportunity in real estate investment or just a scam, this question will be more interesting because there are so many testimonial said that the graduate from nouveau riche has been success after following their training, off course the debate will be always continue to proves to the public about the truth, is Nouveau Riche Scam or not?.

From Nouveau riche web page they said that they will give the training that can make everyone can be wealth to live their dreams and will be assist from professional trainer in real estate investor, so what about you, do you think nouveau riche is a big opportunity or just a scam?


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PT. PLN (Persero) melalui P3B Sumatera kembali membuka kesempatan untuk menduduki posisi sebagai Tenaga Pekerjaan Dalam Keadaan Bertegangan (P3KD) diperuntukan bagi tamatan SMA/SMU dan SMK Jurusan Listrik.

Pendaftaran akan ditutup tanggal 9 Agustus bagi Anda yang berminat supaya menyegerakan dan menyiapkan berkas-berkas yang diperlukan guna mendaftar sebagai calon rekruitmen di P3B Sumatera.

Untuk keterangan lengkapnya silahkan kunjungi situsnya P3B Sumatera dan detil persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi bisa dibaca Iklan Rekruitmen PDKB.
