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The CNN services for business world brings you to several options of world’s investment and business opportunity in many scopes, in different range of investment level and risk level. Those recommendations are worth to try for you investors who like to explore new business opportunity in a country or places where no investor have reached before.

One example of business opportunities that are recommended in the website is tapping the new Nouveau Riche. This point may allow you to build a social network among Russian millionaires. Nouveau Riche has made a good target for web investors, due to the Russian upper class economic condition in the recent time. Nouveau Riche will make a good opportunity in social networking because of the people’s tendency to show their status off. The main thing that is important to have to start the business is s skillful and wealthy person who will be responsible in spreading the network.

Do not forget that building this business will make you deal with other rich people, buying and selling luxurious stuffs and more. A great amount of investment level is needed, ranging from $500K to $1 million. This kind of high level new business opportunity may also cause you a high risk.


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Kami mengundang tenaga Profesional di bidang perbankan bergabung bersama kami, Bank Prekreditan Rakyat (BPR), yang beroperasi di Kota Pekanbaru untuk menduduki posisi sebagai berikut :

1. Direktur Utama (DU)
2. Direktur (D)

Dengan syarat sebagai berikut :
  1. Pekerja keras, smart dan berorientasi pada target, mempunyai kemampuan leadership dan komunikasi yang baik.
  2. Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Pejabat dibidang kredit, funding dan operasional Perbankan.
  3. Pendidikan minimal S1 dan usia maksimal 45 tahun
  4. Bisa mengoperasikan komputer minimal Word dan Excel.
  5. Bersedia menjadi Direksi minimal 3 tahun.
Surat lamaran ditujukan ke :
Po. Box 9014
Pekanbaru - 28000

Tulis kode (DU/D) disudut kiri atas amplop dengan melampirkan CV, 2 lembar pas photo 4x6 cm, fotocopy KTP, Ijazah (formal dan non formal), semua surat pengalaman kerja, dan cantumkan besar gaji yang diminta, paling lambat 1 minggu setelah iklan ini dipasang.

(iklan ini diterbitkan diTribun Pekanbaru tanggal 14-06-2008)

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Get the best offer of price while you are making you life secure with LifeLock in LifeLock.com, by using the LifeLock Promo Code. Simply go to the website and you will get the code there. LifeLock is a company offering you a service of protecting you life and your good name, from irresponsible identity thefts crime.

To start having a life protection with LifeLock you can enroll directly from the website and do not forget to use the LifeLock Promotion Code to get maximum discount and a free service for the first 30 days including for your kids if you have any. When you have already joined the program you will get the services of getting fraud alerts, junk mail reduction, phone solicitors reduction, credit reports, and wallet lock.

Do not doubt about the capability of the service they are offering, because they guarantee it with a back up of $ 1 million. They will frequently check for your credit report and its security, and report it to you as soon as they detect the alerts of identity theft. You will also be asked to update any necessary information in certain situation. To have further information you can see the LifeLock Blog or you can call them by phone.


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If you are looking for identity protection and recovery from theft, LifeLock is your answer. LifeLock is a company that positioned them selves as customer’s resource for identity protection from theft and for recovery. With unparalleled protection, LifeLock provide their customer with several products and features, then it lead LifeLock be the leader on the protection industry. Over 400,000 customer or clients are using LifeLock products and features.

Use Promo Code of RD17 from LifeLock reviews and get life lock benefits. Visit the website and get their promo code of RD17. You will get 30 days free and pay only $9 every month and you are able to get $1 Million total service guarantee from LifeLock while your identity is being protected by them. Recently, LifeLock is providing services and recently adding new service of WalletLock. It is the latest family protection provided by LifeLock reviews from your purse and wallet’s lost or being stolen. You can easily signing up and get the benefits of LifeLock’s promotional codes. You are also able to get one calling toll-free customer service whenever you are having problems with your lock. LifeLock is the best secure protection resource for your identity, insurance information, driver’s license, and others from theft.


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LifeLock is a private company that positioned itself as the leader in the industry of customers’ resources and providers of identity protection and recovery. Through their site of LifeLock.com, the company spread their products and customer’s services, including spreading their promotional codes and benefits. Over 400,000 customers are using their protection services, including RD32 life lock and wallet lock. LifeLock.com is your resource in getting information on how LifeLock able to protect you from theft. You can also get several newest features added by LifeLock that may interest you.

To expand their amount of customers, also develop and maintain their performances, LifeLock also publish their LifeLock reviews onto their website. LifeLock reviews is supporting data programs that gives pre-customer or existence customer to get overview of LifeLock business activity and how they run their business, as well as the programs offers. LifeLock reviews give brief explanation on their services in protecting customer’s identity from theft. A life lock reviews is showing how LifeLock run their business in fair and health business activity. It is also use to build trusty from clients and customers, also pre-customers like you. Signing up and be LifeLock customers. Get their benefits and guarantee, and also let LifeLock protect you and your wallet also identity


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You may have been joining some car insurance or buying things that requires you to fill a form containing your identity details and later on you feel that somebody is trying to break your life by using your identity for bad intentions. You do not need to be worried because LifeLock comes up with the solution.

You can simply enroll with LifeLock Promotion Code and you will get the benefit of getting the prevention of identity theft. In LifeLockPromotionCode.net you will be informed about the details of LifeLock services and LifeLock Review. Their services include fraud alerts, reducing junk mails, eliminating phone solicitors, getting credit reports, and wallet lock.

They will protect your identity and recover your good names. The value of LifeLock is in the point where you can enjoy your life as safe as possible. To make sure that you are protected, in using their services you can ask for fraud alerts and keep doing it every 90 days. Do not forget to update your personal information and identity. To get starts, simply go to the website and enroll now, besides the benefits that have been mentioned above, you will also get free services for the first 30 days for adults and kids.


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World condition and situation’s today are getting tough hard to live, those who are not steady and ready. Safety and security is being a tertiary thing. Therefore, it is so glad that there is a security and protection service for your identity and wallet from theft. It is LifeLock, a leading company of protection and recovery service. Through their site of LifeLock.com, LifeLock Company is presence as your identity security. You can store and secure your identity of bank account, insurance documents, private documents, and others onto LifeLock. LifeLock also gives their promo product and services of promotional code that gives you benefits and guarantee. There are RD17 or RD32 LifeLock Promotional Code that can reduce credit card offers, junk mail, but gives you $1 Million total service guarantee.

Explore their site and see also LifeLock reviews. It is a review section that gives you information on how LifeLock assist you and protect your identity. You can also get brief explanation of their promotional code benefits and how the guarantee will works on you. LifeLock reviews is presence for you as the existence customer also for others pre customers. You may find something interesting onto their features on LifeLock reviews and official site.


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Since April 2005, LifeLock was being incorporated and be the leader in identity theft protection and recovery industry. This company gives peoples security for data and documents storage from theft. The existence of this industry, as well as their product of life lock, is also to educate people and their customer to be more secure in storing their private and important data and documents, also increasing the intensity of theft protection and storage risk. Identity theft protection and recovery that are being offered by LifeLock is available for any household, families, and even US veterans.

To support their business run, LifeLock is also offering the LifeLock promotion code. There is RD17 LifeLock promotion code that anybody can get. LifeLock also gives discount for this promo codes. By purchasing this life lock promo codes, you are able to save more money and get longer days free for data storage. By having this promotional code, members of LifeLock are also able to reduce Junk Mail and reduce the unsolicited of your credit card offers. By signing up and link yourself to their promo codes, your identity will be protected and receive several benefits from LifeLock, including $1 million of total service guarantee.


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Everyday in our life the unpredictable situations were almost happens to everyone, it also happen while the unpredictable situations need the backup money, but how if you need some money immediately with urgent business? You can use one the best fast cash payday loan service by PayEveryone.Net The process to sign up for pay day loans were very easy, you just sign up for free and then the PayEveryone staff will contact you by email to discuss more about the loans.

The amounts of cash money available for loans were ranged in $500 - $1500. It is secure, fast and reliable loans system, especially for people that need money for emergency uses. With the easy terms and conditions like already have a permanent income per month at least $1000 and you have a bank account, you already have a chance to receive a fast cash payday loans up to $1500, with easy to understand web interface and effective information listed can make you sure and clearly understand about the terms and conditions with no doubt. For more information, easy and free sign up or even a really fast cash pay day loans up to $1500, just check this or sign up to PayEveryone.net.


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I just bought a new car. It's a brand new SUV, the kind a type that I've been longing for years. I worked hard and save hard for my new ride here. And now, I finally have done it. It's on my garage now. But as a brand new car, there's a slight worry in my head. Bad things can happen to cars. Especially new cars like mine. From accidents, stolen, vandalism, or even just misused. And so I wanted to install a device where I can track my car down no matter where it is, or where it has been to.

And for that occasion there's nothing better than a GPS tracking system. We can install a GPS tracking device in our car and it will sends us a report that can be viewed online. And one of the best providers of GPS system is GPS North America. With this GPS tracking we can always track and monitor our car anywhere, anytime. They have created a GPS vehicle tracking system which is affordable, cost effective, real time vehicle location, mapping and reporting. It also can tell us the maps and roads, so we will know where we at right now, what it are doing, and where it has been. And this GPS system can also locate a vehicle from any computer with internet access from anywhere in the world.
